Humanoid Wakeboards Warranty: All Good Forever Wakeboard Lifetime Warranty and Impact Insurance

From Day 1 we’ve experimented with bucking the trend of conventional industry standards. We’re always fine tuning, taking great care in what we produce, and being strange. It’s in our DNA. Who needs more of the same?

So we sat down and reviewed the last few years of customer data with a fine tooth comb…Wait, no we didn’t! We kid, we kid! We know we build the most badass boards after years of hard work and listening to customer feedback. The result is two new programs we are officially announcing today…

Humanoid Wakeboards Warranty: All Good Forever Wakeboard Warranty

The first program is a lifetime wakeboard warranty that we call the All Good Forever Warranty. Yeah, you read that right. Buy a new wakeboard and you’ll get the option to extend your warranty for life for under $100. Now, to be clear, this warranty doesn’t cover the abuses of everyday riding. It’s simply our guarantee to you – when you purchase from us, we place the highest quality materials & care into building your new wakeboard. By enrolling in the All Good Forever Wakeboard Warranty, we’ll have your back and cover your ride forever. We seem to think that’s a pretty long time.

You talked. We listened. Introducing Impact Insurance

Our second program we call Impact Insurance. It helps spread the good word of industry leading durability that’s behind our name. It’s pretty simple. Impact Insurance covers catastrophic wakeboard damage.  Here’s how this works. Should you damage your new wakeboard with an accidental impact [and we deem it unrideable], we’ll replace your banged up wakeboard with a brand new wakeboard. Impact Insurance is $199 and is offered on any of our new wakeboards.

Are we crazy? yeah you’re probably right. We are a team out to battle the status quo the only way we know how…by being a bit strange.

To purchase All Good Forever Warranty or Impact Insurance, browse any of our new wakeboards and select the All Good Forever Lifetime Warranty and/or Impact Insurance when adding checking out. Common questions are covered in our All Good Lifetime Warranty & Impact Insurance page. The finer details are addressed in our customer support center.
